We all know how important the quality of the items we use every day is. It is even more important to take care of the quality of vehicle equipment, such as mirrors, which serve our safety. Mirrors must not only look like original equipment, but must provide a high level of comfort and, above all, safety.
High-quality mirrors are essential to provide a clear and wide view of the traffic situation behind and next to our car. It is important that not only the glass of the mirror is of high quality, but also all the materials used to make the mirror body.
As usual in such cases, the most important details are not necessarily visible at first glance. Depending on the application, each mirror must be made of appropriate plastics with the appropriate density and structure.
durable and stable internal structure, preventing the mirror from vibrating.
exceptionally strong handle of the mirror insert, which connects the insert with the body, ensures no vibrations and undisturbed reception of the reflected image.
compliance with the original product in terms of the type of materials used for production,
precisely reproduced fasteners and the shape of the fastener ensure perfect adhesion to the vehicle body (no gaps between the mirror and the bodywork),
the applied primer paint and the texture of the housing structure allow for the final effect to be consistent with the original product,
multi-layer product protection and individually designed boxes protect the product from damage. Where packaging is needed, it is supplemented with profiled fillers and inserts.